Apply to Work with Amber

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Which offering are you interested in?*
My work highlights empowered, embodied, sustainable & holistic facets in ALL of your life. I emphasize creativity, compassion and courage to live with pleasure, desire and wants vs. making decisions on needs, shoulds and musts. So, what drew you to want to work with me? Please answer intuitively, don't feel you need to edit yourself, and please share what you view as both your strengths and struggles that led you to want to explore more ways to access your vitality and abundance with me?
For example have you explored the following: psychotherapy (note the type of modalities, general school of therapy if you know them), executive or life coaching, meditation, mindfulness, somatic modalities, somatic therapies, complementary medicine, spiritual development, etc. What was the best part of your previous experience? What do you feel could have made it even better? Were there any parts of your previous work that did not work for you?
Please answer in two parts with plenty of detail and regarding question 2-Intuitively answer and feel free to sketch a scene, or use analogies, metaphors to correspond to the feeling you are searching for. Also consider if you do better with a routine, or do more flexible, loose boundaries help you create your ideal lifestyle?
What are your barriers to implementing the change you desire? What types of activities, thoughts help you feel better in general, soothed when stressed, and enhance feelings and behaviors that create a sense of capability, confidence, decisiveness in general and help you with creating change? Are those coping skills no longer working?
You may want to think about your relationship to: your overall health, your body, exercise and movement, food and nourishment, your mental well-being, nature, creativity, play, love and support, all of your relationships (family, friends, colleagues, etc.), sexuality, money and material resources, sense of time, physical and mental sense of space & freedom, your career and perception of work/vocation, your chosen and given roles and identity, your sense of purpose, meaning and/or spirituality, etc.
This can be particularly painful for high-achieving helping professionals and entrepreneurs who are often very tied to their identity, sense of purpose and often years of over-giving. Yet they are often facing burnout if they stay on this track. This work allows you to have more room and space to live the life you DESIRE vs. feel trapped by your mind and potentially compulsive behaviors that keep you stuck in dissatisfaction, burnout, no matter how noble your career or role. It is important to realize that coaching may create both excitement and discomfort while enacting change towards transformation. If this paragraph brings up a lot of strong feelings, share them with me below. Let me know what comes up for you when reading this statement, such as “I 100% identify this as a struggle” or even “I have no idea what you are talking about” and anything in between. Please remember to be as honest as possible with the thoughts and feelings that arise so that you can feel confident in your decision to be supported in change and I can be confident in letting you know how I can support you.
If invited after the free clarity call, are you willing to invest in support to meet your desires (a minimum of $800)?*
What is your budget for your transformational work?*
Vitality Revival 2023 Launch:
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